Arts Education Matters
Research shows:
Students involved in the arts are 4x more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3x more likely to win a school attendance award.
72% of today’s business leaders say that creativity is the number one skill they seek when hiring.
Students engaged in arts learning score higher on the SAT and are more likely to graduate on time than peers with little school-day arts instruction
State and City Standards
Resources and Reports
New York State ESSA Plan
Details on New York’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) compliance
Review of Evidence: Arts Education through the lens of ESSA
2018 Report from the Wallace Foundation
ESSA Resource from AEP
Education Commission of the States & Arts Education Partnership compiled this comprehensive list
Center for Arts Education Reports
AEI: Raising Achievement Across Disciplines
By Dr. Jerry James, Dr. Lawrence Scripp & Josh Gilbert (2019)